Many utility companies already use TeamShare to modernize case and document management and their administrative routines.
– and let the system do the work, ensuring the quality and reliability of document management.
– and optimize accessibility, improve decision-making basis and speed up processes
– and communicate with your costumers. Publish news, guides etc. directly from TeamShare to the web
– and manage documents after agreed processes, that save your organization’s employees considerable time
– and get a great overview of a case, it’s parties and the tasks retaled to the case
– and easily add a photo of an installation or repair job directly to your case in TeamShare.
Take a photo with your mobile phone and select the case it relates to and the image is transferred to TeamShare. The image is is then available to anyone in the company who needs to access it now and in the futue.
– Received information from another cource and automatically create new cases in TeamShare – fully automatic.
After a customer orders a new water connection on your website, a case is automatically created in TeamShare along with the customer’s contact and order detalis, triggering associated workflows.
TeamShare understøtter behandling af personfølsomme og -henførbare oplysninger i forbindelse med Persondataforordningen (GDPR) med indbyggede værktøjer til bl.a. indsigtssager, rapporter mm.
Læs mere om Persondataforordningen her.
TeamShare supports the processing of personal, sensitive and accessible information in regards to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with built-in tools for insights, reports, etc.
Lector is a supplier on SKI framework agreement and can deliver TeamShare on competitive terms to the public.
Get help with TeamShare, ESS or LTS.
We do everything to ensure that you can get exactly the help you need.
If you need help or guidance regarding which solution is best for your company or association, give us a call or write us an email.
+45 44 50 21 50
Lector offers a wide range of IT services.
From complete solutions for handling customs warehouses, document management and case management, to increased knowledge sharing and streamlining of work processes.
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