TeamShare is a case management and document management system, that easily and elegantly solves the organization’s documentation task.
TeamShare is also a specialized tool that ensures your organization’s assets, in the form of documents and emails, are easily accessible to employees.
TeamShare is designed to support an organization’s knowledge sharing in both the private and public sectors.
The user experience has always been a crucial part in the development of TeamShare, and almost all TeamShare functionality is be available directly from Microsoft Office.
TeamShare allows you to search for documents based on all information associated with the document. Free text search is also fully supported as is OCR (Optical Character Recognizion).
Quick access to direct email journaling via drag n’ drop is an example of the high level of integration with Microsoft Office.
TeamShare supports several simultaneous address books. There is full rights management on all address books so you have complete control over who can see, add, edit or delete contacts in an address book.
TeamShare is built on Microsoft SharePoint, and with SOA as the foundation for internal communication, it is easy to integrate with your organization’s other systems.
Du kan se vores TeamShare produktvideo her.
TeamShare understøtter behandling af personfølsomme og -henførbare oplysninger i forbindelse med Persondataforordningen (GDPR) med indbyggede værktøjer til bl.a. indsigtssager, rapporter mm.
Læs mere om Persondataforordningen her.
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Lector er leverandør på SKI-rammeaftale og kan levere TeamShare på konkurrencedygtige vilkår til det offentlige.
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We do everything to ensure that you can get exactly the help you need.
If you need help or guidance regarding which solution is best for your company or association, give us a call or write us an email.
+45 44 50 21 50
Lector offers a wide range of IT services.
From complete solutions for handling customs warehouses, document management and case management, to increased knowledge sharing and streamlining of work processes.
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